Hexham Amateur Stage Society

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Directed By : Harry Shuttleworth

Production Date : November 1951

The story opens in the lair, high up in the mountains, of Baldassaré, the famous Brigand of whom the whole country lives in fear. The men are resent fully discussing the decision of their Chief to disband and they endeavour to persuade Teresa, whom they accuse of being in love with Baldassaré, to dissuade him. Baldassaré. enters and commands his followers to make ready to depart. The spoils of many raids are brought out and divided amongst them and Baldassaré, giving Teresa her share in money, tells her that she must go at once for their hiding place is surrounded. She pleads to be allowed to stay and then goes sadly, singing: Farewell. When leaving the mountains Teresa is captured and, being recognised as one of the famous band, is taken to the Palace of Santo. General Malona, the Governor of the State, greatly hopes to capture the Brigands before the expiration of his term of office, and uses every effort to make Teresa disclose the whereabouts of their Chief; but in vain. Teresa says "there is honour among thieves,' and sings the beautiful song "Love Will Find a Way".
